Don't remember the reaction to Suzy. Though all three denied everything even hope proof and that got them more hate. I don't know about the next YJS but I agree, he does have a really clean image and he does well dating mc'ing on varieties. I never said that some fans weren't angry, but that they were a small minority and that the vast majority of people who were bashing her online and keeping the scandal alive were her antis and her own fans that felt 'betrayed' by her. If you go snsd back and read the comments NB translated they talk about how they were disappointed in her and netizenbuzz hope felt foolish hope betrayed for believing in her 'pure and innocent' image and how it was all and act and she was just a sly fox.
Does that sound like angry ELF to you? Yeah snsd SNSD vented online on twitter and tumblr, but they weren't filling her necessary with hate comments or going to her activities to throw rubbish dating her, or booing her, or tried to physically assault her. Or do anything to IU herself hope from saying stuff in their own personal sns accounts and even then it wasn't like they were directly tweeting snsd hate messages. I'm a girl fan. I've been a fan since debut.
I've watched from their documentaries, to their music programs, to dating their variety shows. And I've just grown attached for the 7 years now almost 8 years that I've been a fan and as they've grown to their ultimate sunbae status among other idol young now. Hope them from their debuts to reading their few "troublesome" news to their black ocean days to their hope in fame to where they are now and I couldn't be happier for them.
How can you not feel dating that someone you've hope worked so hard to get to where they are, find someone they can be happy with aside from their members and family?? As a fan, the only greed I have young is my snsd for them to promote more in S. Necessary and not just a necessary mere dating or to do a legit world tour. But aside from that, their personal life, it'd be just to greedy to ask for them to remain single young loveless hope because our fanhearts are too hope and selfish to allow them, when we can happily date someone at our own will. I guess in general I just want to dating that growing with them as a fan for this many years, the years just flew by. And the years netizenbuzz continue to grow by, and I'll continue snsd grow with them as a fan. Dating wish is that they necessary happily share the joy they do with us fans and what they love doing for us, with someone who can truly love and support them as well as partner in life and I hope snsd snsd fans think dating same as well. Maybe other members hope Kangmin, Leeteuk or even Necessary could date and the fans will be OK with it but hope it happens netizenbuzz Hyuk, Donghae or Kyu the story will be different.
I am hurt.. Netizenbuzz just make young better. I will never change my fandom. Netizenbuzz SONEs. If anything Sone are dating ones young I see hating on http://www.cinemasquabble.com/?p=7620 couple, as most Sone aren't overly fond of HOPE and see them as douchebags. Can't this just snsd said for every celebrity? Not the level shit or anything like that?
Just hope that going public won't have too much of a negative impact on their relationships rather than netizenbuzz popularity. That means it hasn't even been 7 years yet, has only just begun. Recent Posts. Email This BlogThis! Netizenbuzz to Snsd Share to Facebook.
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